Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Armpit Hair

hahaha... finally im stealing some time with the company to blog... but its only for awhile...

i am so in a pressure cooker... i have heavy responsibility on my shoulders... my collegues and boss are on long leave and that leaves me in charge of half of the rotating equipment in the plant... (YIKES)....

work with deadlines... haitz... no use complaining and whining, doesnt get the job done.. but by doing so, it does allow me to release some of the tension... hahhaa...

i need to build up my experience and technical knowledge.. maybe i'll sign up for the principal engineer exam... got to look further and upgrade myself... haitz... i give mysel;f 15 years to be a manager... (not so easy for engineers)... maybe if i switch over to sales and marketing, i might be a manager faster... hahaha.. *greed*

i played badminton last night... company event... hahaha... io was so bullied by the old timers... they made me run all over the court man... but running is good for the ass right??? hahaha... as usual i sweated like a pig... superb workout man...

anyway, just some points to ponder... i was sitting on the MRT the other day... some distasteful lady stood in front of me... she was holding on to the handguard above her.. unfortunately, she was wearing sleeveless top...

so yeap, no problem so far... until is gave her armpit a second look... long wiry hair were so freaking obvious... i could have vomitted man... seriously...

i mean, ladies, if you dun feel like shaving (which is a personal choice), pls dun show it to the world how hairy you are... eeewwwwwwww..... cant stand it... im getting goosebumps now... hahaha...

a clean and shaven armpit is so sexy... and poor ME had nowhere else to look... haitz... what luck...

say NO to unshaven armpits!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

omg you so gross! i mean, she's so gross! arghh whoever talks about armpits are so gross! lol.

- N.

9:03 AM  
Blogger Boltzmann said...

gross or not, its a fact of life.. we all have to accept that hair does grow on our armpits...

many men like it long and shows it off... other men shaves them (if not nanti setan bergayut)...

but women? hmmm... i think they need to go for permanent hair removal... boleh muntah beb.. hahaha...

stubbles are still acceptable...

1:28 PM  
Blogger Susiayanto Sunaryo said...

hahaha....Well it is a personal preference like you said it dude. And I totally agree...its preferable that women are less hairy. I mean...they don't need that much hair for warmth unlike some of us guys. They can survive the cold Lecture Theater in just tank tops and short skirts.


Ps : They shave ;)

DISCLAIMER : Author has nothing against women or their 'hairy' issues :)

2:38 AM  
Blogger Boltzmann said...

hahaha... CJS.. siap dgn disclaimer siak... haha... hmmm, i wonder how they survive the lecture with such little clothing... hahaha... no complains from me though... its just part of the beautiful lecture theater SCENERY... hahaha..

9:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

next time bring mini shaver, shave for her then u can go to sleep and hv sweet dreams. 100% nightmare-less. lol!

*aku kepo*

2:24 PM  
Blogger Boltzmann said...

mini shaver??? hahaa.. i've yet to find shaving for someone else sexy... hahaha.. but it might be kinky.. hahaha... whatever lah.. kepo pun kepo lah... all un-orthodox views and opinions are accpeted..

5:55 PM  

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