Monday, August 08, 2005

the Cheap Thrill Trip

these are the bare facts....

total time taken: 18 hours (1230 hrs till 0630hrs)

Total disance traveled: more than 600km (SG - KL - SG)

Total amount spent: SGD 200 max

total burger Ramly bought: 3 each (beef special)

friends made: 4 (abg skinhead the Burger peddler, Aki the shoe comedian, Abg Azmi the malaysian idol reject and some other guy who smokes Malboro Lights, i cant remeber his name, khekhe)

Things bought: 1 pair of adidas skate shoes, 2 levi's, 1 docker's, 5 t-shirts, 1 bag, 1 return ticket to SG.

Having a thrilling time going overseas with no backup plans..... Price: Priceless

i am so sleepy today... khekhekhe... but i had one hell of a scred when there was no more bus tickets to SG last night initially... hkhekekhe... thats what we wanted to xperience... but we did manage to get home anyway... YAHOOO.....

and i miss my Beautiful badly....


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