Wednesday, August 03, 2005

went though my stuffs... fund this really old school pic of me... hahaha... i had such a good laugh, laughing at myself.... i think i look so cute... like a " waiting to be beaten up" kind of cute... i was sec 2 then... my G.I. haircut... and my chubby cheeks... hahaha... and yes, i did go on an umrah... in 1996... khekehe... still laughing at this pic... Posted by Picasa


Blogger Boltzmann said...

Whoever you are KIM.... haha... i really don see the connectionwith my G.I. haircut and coloring my hair... khekhe... Whatever!!! ( with both my hands doing the W shape)

11:48 PM  
Blogger Fazleen M. said...

what a cute boy!! hahahaha.. its soooo kelakar..

12:25 AM  

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